

Men's T-Shirts

For the man that is as active as he is fashionable, Tommy Hilfiger t-shirts are a wardrobe must-have. From the classic styles that made the ‘TH’ tee a household name, to eco-friendly options that encourage others to join the revolution, our selection of men’s t-shirts elevates this essential piece to a true fashion statement.

Everybody loves a classic. That’s why you’ll always be able to purchase the subtle yet perfectly styled Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt with the logo on the chest, or the lastingly simple bold Tommy Hilfiger or ‘TH’ print. Paired with a pair of solid colour shorts or pants,you’ve nailed down the ultimate relaxed summer look. Our more intricate designs make an outfit based around jeans and a pair of sneakers pop.

Pick one of our unbelievably comfortable white cotton shirts as an underlayer for our stylish polo shirts or shirts. Mix and match t-shirt colours to express your own sense of style, meanwhile, when layering under knitwear, sweatshirts and hoodies, or coats & jackets. There are few places where a Tommy Hilfiger shirt is more at home, of course, than with our famous activewear. As breathable as they are comfortable, our t-shirts will help keep you going to the last whistle. Speaking of comfort, you won’t find a more comfortable lounging ‘uniform’ that a pair of our boxer or trunk underwear paired with a soft cotton tee. Don't forget to finish off your outfit with a pair of our classic crest socks.

Looking for the newest t-shirt styles? Check out our new arrivals section to get ahead of the curve. Not to fear if this is the first time you buy men’s t-shirts online – our Men’s Size Guide will ensure you get the perfect fit every time. For questions about our selection, shipping or any other concerns, simply contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives for personalised assistance.